What we value, we make happen

I was sitting at the airport yesterday waiting for my return flight after speaking on entrepreneurship at a college. The lady in a seat across from me, “Want to hear something crazy? I just did something so crazy I am just dying to tell someone.” Well I’ve never had a stranger approach me that way. My mind is racing over what it could be and I needed to know. “I have this lipstick I love. I just always get it from dollar general and spent about two dollars on it. Well I went to dollar general and they didn’t have it anymore. I’m almost all out, I’ve been scrapping the bottom of the tube to get any. I finally decided to go online and I found it. It was $30 but I just had to have it and so I bought it.” I giggled. She did too. She knew it was crazy to spend that amount of money on cheap lipstick but she didn’t regret it. She was excited.  First, I had no idea someone get be so in love with a $2 lipstick. Second, I have been there. No, I don’t buy dollar general lipstick. But I have fallen in love with certain things that I just have to have them in my life. I will do what it takes to make that happen.

I do consultations before each session and go over all the prices. I have people of all different incomes that think it’s way too expensive and people that think it’s totally worth it. We all have things we value. For this lady it was her favorite lipstick. For others it’s the latest iPhone or the name brand cheese that cost twice the generic. When people find value in what you offer, they will do what it takes to get. What are you doing to create value?